Welsh Lawn Bowls matches and competition

This page of the web site contains schedules, results and standings for Welsh Lawn Bowls competitions.

The draw numbers for all Ceredigion CBA bowlers entered into WLB competitions for 2024 are also displayed below.

Carruthers preliminary rounds

Section 7 table

Section 7 fixtures

Section 8 table

Section 8 fixtures

Further rounds

21st May, Play off - Winner Section 7 v Winner Section 8

28th May (TBC), Play off - Losers v Pembrokeshire Qualifier

Open Draw

1st round on 14th June (last 32)

2nd round on 5th July (last 16)

3rd round on 19th July (last 8)

Welsh Lawn Bowls player register

The list below shows the number for each player registered to play in the WLB competitions


1 Davies, Mervyn 07778 017329
2 Jones, W Gwyn 07510 227814
3 Morris, Dewi 07950 150417
4 Tear, Ben 01545 574699
5 Tear, Stan 01545 574699
6 Smith, Jeff 07795 834827


7 Davies, J Gareth 07811 206933
8 Davies, Sion 07947 451069
9 Ellis, Gwynant 07973 144566
10 Evans, Geraint 07450 474997
11 Fleming, Nigel 07929 845674
12 James, Jamie 07825 639200
13 Jones, Arwel 07794 309967
14 Morgan, Richard H. 01970 611301
15 Morris, Keith 01970 820425
16 Phillips, Martin 07949 603481
17 Pugh, Andy 07917 027991
18 Salmon, Roland 07875 423884
19 Saunders, Graham 07976 738329
20 Wong, Tony 07481 182218


21 Bann, Andre 07973 342669
22 Clarke, Andrew 07970 949917
23 Davies, Gethin 07861 710083
24 Davies, Iwan 07939 471772
25 Davies, Wyn 07496 930910
26 Edwards, Paul 07942 318304
27 Hopkin, Ben 07377 976463
28 James, Colin 07791 428188
29 James, Marc 07854 302159
30 Jones, Dilwyn 01239 614392
31 Monders, George 01239 615331
32 Monders, Paul 01239 615331
33 Morris, Aaron 07860 148590
34 Newcombe, Mike 07773 697616
35 Newell, Mark 07511 860292
36 Rockley, Andrew 07811 414099
37 Rogers, Chris 07706 816909
38 Thomas, Iori 01239 621526
39 Williams, Brian V 07861 710083


40 Bowen, Huw 07973 443408
41 Davies, Emlyn 07961 843118
42 Dudley, Emlyn 01559 395327
43 Entwistle, Steve 01570 470116
44 Green, Guto 07479 677262
45 Jones, Arfon 07399 641593
46 Jones, Dorian 07814 440581
47 Jones, Henry 01570 423096
48 Lewis, Gwyn 07774 289528
49 Meredith, Ifan 07508 094764
50 Randell, Nick 07778 924952
51 Williams, Lewis 01570 481037


52 Austin, Peter 07477 678351
53 Davies, Robert 01559 384831 or 07582 484482
54 Graves, Martin 07985 834000
55 Gray, Steven 07775 795475
56 Jones, Dennis 07811 427581
57 Jones, Dai 01570 480486
58 Jones, Glanmor 01559 395358
59 Jones, Marc 07790 348481 or 01559 384949
60 Jones, Raymond 01559 384479
61 Smith, Tony 01559 371371
62 Williams, Clive 01559 395664


63 Davies, Dafydd 07534 606069
64 Davies, Darren 07976 115003
65 Davies, Gareth 07773 727117
66 Davies, John L. T. 07816 938515
67 Davies, Michael 01239 811404
68 Evans, Robert 07946 821902
69 Marshall, Richard 07986 949178
70 Thomas, Berrian 07975 691667
71 Thomas, Tony 01239 711660


72 Chalmers, Don 07956 731 114
73 Cross, Martin 07703 021819
74 Harrison, Harry 07903 349355
75 Ives, Leslie 07540 293825
76 Phillips, Richard 01545 561806
77 Rees, David 01545 560737
78 Rees, Michael 07854 702019
79 Thomas, Dennis 01545 561748
80 Wilson, Cliff 07890 314026


81 Davies, Brian H. 07848 996222
82 Dimmack, Roger 07487 766430
83 Caffarelli, Mauro 07855 128345
84 Gore, Neville 07969 738891
85 Jeremiah, Stuart 07979 565314
86 Mattick, Mark 07817 253957
87 Sandford, Edward 07939 177934
88 Sims Richard 07528 058530
89 Williams Ray 01970 615150


90 Bennett, Dafydd 01974 299229
91 Bennett, Gethin 01974 299229
92 Bennett, David 01974 299229 or 07917 127408
93 Bradley, John 01974 821616
94 Edwards, David J. 07833 564941
95 Garner, Carl 07968 512657
96 Jones, Arwel 07787 943291
97 Jones, Elis 07376 577609
98 Jones, Gareth 07876 442756
99 Jones, John 07817 689650 or 01974 831221
100 Jones, Osian 01974 298457
101 Jones, William 01974 298316
102 Davies, Gareth Lloyd 01974 298184
103 Trubey, Gary 07966 033301

Welsh Lawn Bowls draws, schedules and results

To view the draw and, as they are made available, results for any competition, simply click on the "View draw table" link for the appropriate competition.

If you would like notification of when one of the results tables below has been updated, simply click here to be added to the Ceredigion County Bowling Association's WLB Results mailing list.


WLB competitions, North:


WLB competitions, South:


Ceredigion County Bowling Association County Finals

9th to 12th July, 2024 at New Quay Bowling Club

Finals schedule

The finals schedule can be downloaded here when it becomes available